Johnny Depp… OMG!

Oh no! What happend to Johnny Depp? Who knows, but somebody have to tell me what did go wrong.

After... do I even have to say anything.
After… do I even have to say anything.

I knew that Johnny is getting old, but I that it would happend some way fabulous. I guess I was wrong.

Hugs again xoxo357

P.S. I’m so sorry that I didn’t posted anything over 2 days. Love me <3

Leonardo DiCaprio…liar…

Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar gala appealed against climate change, but still used a private airplane to 6 weeks to 6 times.ed4bb9d7870548739be7a05a49b08f0d

Leonardo DiCaprio thank you speech was also a strong statement in favor of climate protection. I think this man is a big liar. Sorry Leonardo, but now everybody knows your secret…

I think your fans just disappeared...
I think your fans just disappeared…

Hugs xoxo357 <3


Growtopia has grown something what I hate. I doesn’t hate growtopia game, but I hate all thoise noise what that stupid game make.

Picture of this very stupid game. How even someone can play this stupid game!?
Picture of this very stupid game. How even someone can play this stupid game!?

Hatefully mind xoxo357

P.S. My next posting come tomorrow and remember my twitter and email. Bye!



OMG! Does Sanni like lose weight more than shes new album ETTÄ MITÄHÄN VITTUA. How ever she isn’t pretty anymore. She is looking just like she have anorexia.

Sadly mind xoxo357

Sanni is losing weight!!
Sanni is losing weight!! This picture is from shes instagram and this isn’t her uglyest picture.


xoxo357 here!

Hi! Here is xoxo357. If you like drama you are gonna like this. I write about peoples secret life. I’m not bad person so I chance all names. I wish you like this ”blog”. And here little info… I don’t have facebook, but my twitter is XOXO357 and there is little part of posts what is coming here. My instagram and snapchat stay to me. If you don’t know me that is your broplem. Happy reading!

Hugs   xoxo357